What is NFP?

We talk about “natural family planning” (NFP) when the fertile and infertile days in the female cycle are determined by a combination of body symptoms.

By measuring the basal body temperature and/or the condition of the cervical mucus/cervix, the cycle events and the phase change from fertile to very definitely infertile are determined and visibly reflected on a cycle sheet.

In the individual female cycle, we speak of a shiftable time window of about 6 days, unpredictable by about +/- 5 days in each cycle, in which the egg can be fertilized and the woman can thus become pregnant. After confirmed ovulation, there is a 100% infertile cycle phase until about 5 days into the next menstrual period.

This method is called symptothermal method, or also double check method, NER “Natural conception control” or FAM “Fertility Awareness Methods”, “Natural birth control” and is very safe after appropriate especially personal training, see following study.

Why IBUTTON method?

In order to obtain reliable, clear and unambiguous statements and a clear picture of one’s core body temperature from the cycle event without interference. Thus, the temperature curve is easier to evaluate with regard to ovulation. If possible, the absolute lowest temperature that occurs during the night is recorded.

The iButton is a small chip which is inserted vaginally like a tampon before going to sleep and can be taken out the next morning. Subsequently, the temperature curve can be conveniently evaluated via PC or cell phone app over the fertile cycle phase and a fertility cycle sheet can be created via paper or electronically in the PC program.

Forget about setting an alarm every day to measure the basal body temperature manually using a thermometer.


  • Ultra-small, 20mm diameter 8-10mm high,
  • Ultra-light, 4g,
  • Ultra-long-term low cost,
  • Ultra-transparent temperature data logging
  • Portable thermometer for basal temperature measurement
  • Vaginal or rectal fever measurement of its product category
  • Large user forums
  • Safety for the start of the contraceptive-free and condom-free phase
  • Awareness of menstrual cycles: Discovering, experiencing, learning strengths of femininity
  • Strengthening the immune system and producing longer-lasting feelings of happiness after physical union in the contraceptive-free and condom-free phase
  • Supports a rule-compliant evaluation according to AG NFP/NER/FAM/NBC
  • Basal temperature automatically recorded for easier determination in 0.0625°C resolution steps accurately
  • Convenient to use and evaluate
  • Android app/ Windows PC platform/ MacOS Windows Parallels, Bootcamp
  • MacOS 10.9-10.12 via USB
  • Offline, without electrosmog and wireless
  • Your data stays with you
  • Without synthetic hormones
  • Reduction of measurement errors (shifted dial time, inaccurate or faulty measurement,…)
  • Since 2006 in regular clinical use

iButton method in 5 steps

  1. As soon as menstruation is over, activate and insert iButton in the evening
  2. Note day of change in cervical mucus from watery to creamy/sticky
  3. Note consistency of cervical mucus on cycle sheet/app daily during fertile days
  4. 3-4 days after changing cervical mucus, connect iButton via USB to Windows/MacOS 10.9-10.12/Android and transfer data, deactivate iButton if necessary
  5. On the basis of the measurement results, the cycle phases are recognizable and can be evaluated regelkonfrom.

The Section Natural Fertility of the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG) has proven through decades of studies, with sufficient knowledge of the symptothermal method, a Pearl index of 0.3 is achieved (For comparison: condoms have a PI of 2-12 and the pill 0.1-0.9).

iButton method in 5 steps

    1. As soon as menstruation is over, activate and insert iButton in the evening
    2. Note day of change in cervical mucus from watery to creamy/sticky
    3. Note consistency of cervical mucus on cycle sheet/app daily during fertile days
    4. 3-4 days after changing cervical mucus, connect iButton via USB to Windows/MacOS 10.9-10.12/Android and transfer data, deactivate iButton if necessary
    5. On the basis of the measurement results, the cycle phases are recognizable and can be evaluated regelkonfrom.

The Section Natural Fertility of the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG) has proven through decades of studies, with sufficient knowledge of the symptothermal method, a Pearl index of 0.3 is achieved (For comparison: condoms have a PI of 2-12 and the pill 0.1-0.9).

I have the iButton and will now slowly activate it again. Without iButton does not work for me at all, the temperature is always elevated when I wake up because of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding mother / mynfp.de