About NFP

How does it work?

There are several methods of body observation:

1. Observing the changes of the cervix in the vaginal canal. In the fertile period, the cervix is soft, large and high in the vaginal canal in front of the vaginal entrance. In the infertile time, the cervix is hard, deep and closed in the vaginal canal. Thus, the cervix changes during the cycle. An exact determination often seems difficult, so a combination with other characteristics is recommended.

2. Observing changes in fertility/cervical mucus at the vaginal canal entrance/vaginal outlet, especially in the evening. Chinese studies have achieved a Pearl index of 0 for this after learning the model, and the NaProTechnolgy Institute also gives a Pearl index of 0.5-1.5. The cervical mucus peak is characterized by protein-like, spinnable mucus that turns to creamy the next evening of the first deterioration. From the fourth day in the morning after a cervical mucus peak, absolute infertility is assumed according to the so-called Billings method or refined Creighton Model, NaProTechnology, FertilityCare model.

3. The observation of the preferably “lowest” undisturbed resting temperature, in the morning or even better at night preferably at the same time.

It is important that the woman has not yet stood up. The most important rule here is that a low temperature level has been established according to Sensiplan® rules over at least 6 previous resting temperature readings, followed by an ascending high temperature level with at least the third reading recorded 0.2°C above the low temperature level, such that 100% infertility is present from day 3 in the evening.

4. Combination of multiple symptoms, preferably cervical mucus observation and resting temperature observation. Because cervical mucus observation is often ambiguous and difficult for many women, the combination of the last two body symptoms described is useful as confirmation. This method is known as the symptothermal method. It is taught by NFP and INER instructors.

Why is the combined body observation important?

Through the symptothermal method and its records, the woman and also the man knows for sure in which fertility phase they are and can specifically and consciously prevent pregnancy, in which the sexual union is placed in the 100% infertile time. On the other hand, in case of an urgent desire to have a child, the sexual union can be placed at the low point of the cycle and the peak of the fertility mucus. At the beginning of the cycle it is assumed that there is 100% infertile time until the 5th day of the cycle. It has been shown in studies by Dr. Josef Rötzer by means of 100,000 cycles, as well as by the NFP working group, that a possible pregnancy can be excluded beforehand.

Is NfP also possible with an irregular cycle?

Would you describe the following image with cycle lengths in sequence as regular or irregular?

The rules of NFP can be practiced safely even with irregular cycles. The knowledge and procedures have been used for many millennia and by many thousands of couples.

The first period in red is the beginning of the cycle, which is determined by menstruation. Of course, menstruation is also again individually different in length. Through studies and evaluations, it has been determined that the first 5 days of the cycle are considered safely infertile.

The green bars indicate a variable individual time window of a fertile period that cannot be determined in advance. Experienced women can further determine this time window based on cervical mucus appearance.

The yellow bars show the high fertile time window, including the three ascending temperature value days to the high temperature position.

The black bar shows the evening of the third day, which is 0.2°C above the previous low temperature level. This phase is already counted to the certainly infertile time window. Thus, analogous to the four vegetation periods, four time periods in the female cycle can also be represented accordingly.

In the period of the black bar after ovulation has occurred, fertilization of the egg and thus pregnancy is no longer possible.

It is important to find out the exact time from the yellow / highly fertile phase to the black/100% infertile phase in each case individually for the cycle..

The iButton helps to find out the temperature rise and determine it safely.

Is ovulation always on the 13th or 14th day?

In about 45% of cases, ovulation is on the 13th or 14th day. Ovulation can also occur as early as the 9th day or even on the 20th day or later. It is not predictable when ovulation will occur. After that, a couple sets up at NfP, and adjusts to this unpredictable timing.

Is the second cycle phase stable and always the same length?

The above diagram shows that the infertile 2nd cycle phase is often about 12-14 days long, namely after ovulation has occurred. But there is also a short phase with only 9 days or a long phase with 16 days. If the second phase length is over 18 days, pregnancy is highly probable. If the phase length is less than 10 days in many cycles, there is a luteal weakness, which can be compensated by suitable natural means. If the phase length is too short under 10 days, pregnancy is more likely to be impossible.


How can I learn the NfP?

First, through public courses mostly conducted by Catholic associations in Germany, supported by the Working Group Maltese Sensiplan, the INER- Network and their courses.

Which thermometers are suitable?

In principle, all thermometers are suitable that can display at least 0.05°C -resolution, i.e. analog and digital thermometers with a 0.01°C resolution.

In order not to forget the measurement, especially on weekends and to simplify the measurement process significantly, automatic women’s thermometers have been developed for more than 20 years.

Since 2009-2012 there is the iButton-EndoTherm Basal measuring system, which brings many advantages.

Pearl index = 0 is it even possible?

Yes, of course. Due to biology, there is the natural rhythm and cycle of fertile and infertile phases. Through close observation of the body and communication between partners, the exact change from the fertile to the infertile phase can be accurately determined. Sexual intercourse can then be practiced with a Pearl index of 0 from the time of the safely infertile phase.

Pearl index is called the number of unwanted pregnancies when 100 couples use this pregnancy prevention method for one year.

Why is (automatic) measuring at the same time important?

The body core temperature curve can be seen from attached plots throughout the day.


Conclusion: Already before waking the temperature increases and can reach 0.1°C temperature difference. If the temperature is measured at different times, the temperature is already different because of the different times, thus the evaluation is disturbed.

What is NFP?

The short name NFP stands for Natural Family Planning. The term actually fits only for a short period in which once or several times the acute desire for children occurs. Namely, usually only for about 5-10 years in which a family is founded. In contrast to the very long fertile period of the woman of 30-40 years. Therefore, the even less known term Sensiplan® has been developed in German-speaking countries in recent years. Also the term NER seemingly coined by the standard work of Dr.med Josef Rötzer since 1965, natural conception regulation does not seem to be technically appropriate, because in contrast to other technologies the natural, biological process is not interfered with by a regulation, rather the individual unpredictable time of ovulation determines the common sexual life. Thus the common sexual life is subjected and subordinated to this unpredictable change. What makes the living together very exciting and also very communicative, because out of the situation during the course of the common living together it is found out again and again in which cycle phase the woman is. We find thus navigating in fertilephases more significant for NFP!

Why “mitNfP e.V.”?

Because in the long term we are committed to being a role model for navigating fertile phases as easily and as safely as possible, starting from teenage years up to menopause, thus including the years of natural family planning. The goals are also to simplify the previously known NFP-sensiplan® or INER-Rötzer rules by simple, improved, qualitative measurements and to make them even safer against external influences. Thus old, cultural values, traditions and values from denominations are learned, preserved, maintained, strengthened and passed on to future generations. The traditional family is thus promoted. Consumers become better educated. Science and research are promoted with regard to navigation in fertile phases and professional groups as well as the population are further educated. You can also become active and help us. Either by a sponsoring membership or by actively recommending or participating in our network, which we want to build locally, nationally and internationally and make known and live up to date through improved simplified education with simplified, improved aids.

Is NfP complicated or hard?

NfP is actually very simple, cf. also the movie “Und tschüss Hormone” (German for “Goodbye hormones”). The children already learn the memorable rules hidden in many cultural rituals and cultural values and are thus are prepared for their time as adults, for this a guide is published with the title “When it’s time, take mnemo tricks”. For the cervical mnemonic, count to four on four consecutive days. The man could simply also check with his wife when the peak of mucus was detectable for her in the evening. For the temperature curve, we recommend an automatic night thermometer to obtain high quality results. The evaluation rules are easy to learn and reduce when high quality readings are available. Often 9-14 measurement days are sufficient, where it is sufficient to record a measurement value every day preferably at night every 24h.

What advantages and what disadvantages does NfP have?

A natural strong libido of the woman and the man can be lived out. The woman can thereby develop many forces especially in the first cycle phase. The health and communication from the couple are promoted and maintained. A positive role model function can take the parents, if they pass this culture on to their children. The man thus learns to better manage the woman’s interactions. Usually in the second half of the cycle, life is more difficult for the woman. Here it is good if the man knows about it and can cheer her up accordingly and not reflect her behavior on herself or the relationship. In addition, the strengthening of the immune system should not be underestimated.

Through iButton and NFP, life can be improved without side effects, without synthetic, chemical intervention in the natural biological process. The environment remains ecologically clean! Free of prescriptions or consultation obligations, thus strengthening self-confidence and body sensation.

How does it work?

There are several methods of body observation:

1. Observing the changes of the cervix in the vaginal canal. In the fertile period, the cervix is soft, large and high in the vaginal canal in front of the vaginal entrance. In the infertile time, the cervix is hard,, deep and closed in the vaginal canal. Thus, the cervix changes during the cycle. An exact determination often seems difficult, so a combination with other characteristics is recommended.

2. Observing changes in fertility/cervical mucus at the vaginal canal entrance/vaginal outlet, especially in the evening. Chinese studies have achieved a Pearl index of 0 for this after learning the model, and the NaProTechnolgy Institute also gives a Pearl index of 0.5-1.5. The cervical mucus peak is characterized by protein-like, spinnable mucus that turns to creamy the next evening of the first deterioration. From the fourth day in the morning after a cervical mucus peak, absolute infertility is assumed according to the so-called Billings method or refined Creighton Model, NaProTechnology, FertilityCare model.

3. The observation of the preferably “lowest”, undisturbed resting temperature, in the morning or even better at night preferably at the same time.

View cycle image

It is important that the woman has not yet stood up. The most important rule here is that a low temperature level has been established according to Sensiplan® rules over at least 6 previous resting temperature readings, followed by an ascending high temperature level with at least the third reading recorded 0.2°C above the low temperature level, such that 100% infertility is present from day 3 in the evening.

4. Combination of multiple symptoms, preferably cervical mucus observation and resting temperature observation. Because cervical mucus observation is often ambiguous and difficult for many women, the combination of the last two body symptoms described is useful as confirmation. This method is known as the symptothermal method. It is taught by NFP and INER instructors.

Why is the combined body observation important?

Through the symptothermal method and its records, the woman and also the man knows for sure in which fertility phase they are and can specifically and consciously prevent pregnancy, in which the sexual union is placed in the 100% infertile time. On the other hand, in case of an urgent desire to have a child, the sexual union can be placed at the low point of the cycle and the peak of the fertility mucus. At the beginning of the cycle it is assumed that there is 100% infertile time until the 5th day of the cycle. It has been shown in studies by Dr. Josef Rötzer by means of 100,000 cycles, as well as by the NFP working group, that a possible pregnancy can be excluded beforehand.

Is NfP also possible with an irregular cycle?

Would you describe the following image with cycle lengths in sequence as regular or irregular?


The rules of NFP can be safely practiced even with irregular cycles. The knowledge and procedures have been used for many millennia and by many thousands of couples.

The first period in red is the beginning of the cycle, which is determined by menstruation. Of course, menstruation is also again individually different in length. Through studies and evaluations, it has been determined that the first 5 days of the cycle are considered safely infertile.

The green bars indicate a variable individual time window of a fertile period that cannot be determined in advance. Experienced women can further determine this time window based on cervical mucus appearance.

The yellow bars show the high fertile time window, including the three ascending temperature value days to the high temperature position.

The black bar shows the evening of the third day, which is 0.2°C above the previous low temperature level. This phase is already counted to the certainly infertile time window. Thus, analogous to the four vegetation periods, four time periods in the female cycle can also be represented accordingly.

In the period of the black bar after ovulation has occurred, fertilization of the egg and thus pregnancy is no longer possible.

It is important to find out the exact time from the yellow / highly fertile phase to the black/100% infertile phase in each case individually for the cycle..

The iButton helps to find out the temperature rise and determine it safely.

Is ovulation always on the 13th or 14th day?

In about 45% of cases, ovulation is on the 13th or 14th day. Ovulation can also occur as early as the 9th day or even on the 20th day or later. It is not predictable when ovulation will occur. After that, a couple sets up at NfP, and adjusts to this unpredictable timing.

Is the second cycle phase stable and always the same length?

The above diagram shows that the infertile 2nd cycle phase is often about 12-14 days long, namely after ovulation has occurred. But there is also a short phase with only 9 days or a long phase with 16 days. If the second phase length is over 18 days, pregnancy is highly probable. If the phase length is less than 10 days in many cycles, there is a luteal weakness, which can be compensated by suitable natural means. If the phase length is too short under 10 days, pregnancy is more likely to be impossible.

How can I learn the NfP?

First, through public courses mostly conducted by Catholic associations in Germany, supported by the Working Group Maltese Sensiplan, the INER- Network and their courses.

Which thermometers are suitable?

In principle, all thermometers are suitable that can display at least 0.05°C -resolution, i.e. analog and digital thermometers with a 0.01°C resolution.

In order not to forget the measurement, especially on weekends and to simplify the measurement process significantly, automatic women’s thermometers have been developed for more than 20 years.

Since 2009-2012 there is the iButton-EndoTherm Basal measuring system, which brings many advantages.

Pearl index = 0 geht das überhaupt?

Yes, of course. Due to biology, there is the natural rhythm and cycle of fertile and infertile phases. Through close observation of the body and communication between partners, the exact change from the fertile to the infertile phase can be accurately determined. Sexual intercourse can then be practiced with a Pearl index of 0 from the time of the safely infertile phase.

Pearl index is called the number of unwanted pregnancies when 100 couples use this method of pregnancy prevention for one year.

Why is (automatic) measuring at the same time of day important?

The body core temperature curve can be seen from attached plots throughout the day.

Conclusion: Already before waking the temperature increases and can reach 0.1°C temperature difference. If the temperature is measured at different times, the temperature is already different because of the different times, thus the evaluation is disturbed.


What is NFP?

The short name NFP stands for Natural Family Planning. The term actually fits only for a short period in which once or several times the acute desire for children occurs. Namely, usually only for about 5-10 years in which a family is founded. In contrast to the very long fertile period of the woman of 30-40 years. Therefore, the even less known term Sensiplan® has been developed in German-speaking countries in recent years. Also the term NER seemingly coined by the standard work of Dr.med Josef Rötzer since 1965, natural conception regulation does not seem to be technically appropriate, because in contrast to other technologies the natural, biological process is not interfered with by a regulation, rather the individual unpredictable time of ovulation determines the common sexual life. Thus the common sexual life is subjected and subordinated to this unpredictable change. What makes the living together very exciting and also very communicative, because out of the situation during the course of the common living together it is found out again and again in which cycle phase the woman is. We find thus navigating in fertilephases more significant for NFP!

Why mitNfP e.V.?

Because in the long term we are committed to being a role model for navigating fertile phases as easily and as safely as possible, starting from teenage years up to menopause, thus including the years of natural family planning. The goals are also to simplify the previously known NFP-sensiplan® or INER-Rötzer rules by simple, improved, qualitative measurements and to make them even safer against external influences. Thus old, cultural values, traditions and values from denominations are learned, preserved, maintained, strengthened and passed on to future generations. The traditional family is thus promoted. Consumers become better educated. Science and research are promoted with regard to navigation in fertile phases and professional groups as well as the population are further educated. Become also you active and help us actively. Either by a sponsoring membership or by actively recommending or participating in our network, which we want to build up locally, nationally and internationally and make known and live in a contemporary way by improved simplified education with simplified improved aids.

Is NfP complicated or difficult?

NfP is actually very simple, see also the movie “and bye-bye hormones”. Already the children learn the memorable rules hidden in many cultural rituals and cultural values and are thus prepared for their time as adults, for this a guide is published with the title “When it’s time, take mnemo tricks”. For the cervical mnemonic, count to four on four consecutive days. The man could simply also check with his wife when the peak of mucus was detectable for her in the evening. For the temperature curve, we recommend an automatic night thermometer to obtain high quality results. The evaluation rules are easy to learn and reduce when high quality readings are available. Often 9-14 measurement days are sufficient, where it is sufficient to record a measurement value every day preferably at night every 24h.

What advantages and what disadvantages does NfP have?

A natural strong libido of the woman and the man can be lived out. The woman can thereby develop many forces especially in the first cycle phase. The health and communication from the couple are promoted and maintained. A positive role model function can take the parents, if they pass this culture on to their children. The man thus learns to better manage the woman’s interactions. Usually in the second half of the cycle, life is more difficult for the woman. She tends to have a depressed mood, which is hormonal. Here it is good if the man knows about it and can cheer her up accordingly and not reflect her behavior on himself or the relationship. In addition, the strengthening of the immune system should not be underestimated.

Through iButton and NFP, life can be improved without side effects, without synthetic, chemical intervention in the natural bio-logical process. The environment remains ecologically clean! Free of prescriptions or consultation obligations, thus strengthening self-confidence and body sensation.