The digital basal thermometer measures in increments of 0.0625 °C. Here, a single internal basal temperature value measured every 24 h during the rest period, e.g. between 3 and 5 o’clock at night, is often completely sufficient. This automatically recorded internal temperature value is often much less prone to error than a temperature value that must be measured manually exactly every morning during the wake-up process.
According to the practice book of the working group NFP Natural & Safe, family planning with Sensiplan, Triasverlag, 19th edition, 2015, p. 50 and p.51 digital basal thermometers with a measuring accuracy of +/- 0.1 °C can be used for the safe application of the symptothermal method based on the rules of the AG NFP and also the rules of (Institut für Natürliche Empfängnisregelung Prof. Dr. med. Rötzer (INER) e.V.). The digital basal thermometer should display at least two digits after the decimal point. For the evaluation, the further digits after the decimal point are evaluated up or down to one digit after the decimal point, recommends the practice book with Fig.23.
The EndoTherm basal basal thermometer meets these requirements and is therefore suitable. This has already been proven by long-time, enthusiastic users, some of whom have published their measurements. At this point, many thanks for all who contribute to the creation of body and fertility awareness.
Thus, a scientific discussion about the accuracy of the basal thermometer should be unnecessary and discussions about it clearly settled.