Doctors, therapists & experts who know / recommend iButton

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The following is a list of doctors, therapists and experts who know and recommend the iButton.


Regarding the cycle apps myNFP, the iButton is described here and help is provided in the forum:


Women’s Doctors on the Net: writes: “There are electronic measurement systems for vaginal temperature measurement.
With a vaginal measurement system, the basal body temperature can be measured automatically during the night’s rest. This involves inserting a tampon-like encapsulated measuring chip into the vagina before bedtime and removing it in the morning. To read the temperature, the reading is read into the computer via an adapter, which is not necessary on a daily basis because of the large data storage.”

Berufsverband der
Frauenärzte e.V. (BVF)
P.O. Box 20 03 63
80003 Munich
Tel: +49 (89) 24 44 66-0
Fax: +49 (89) 24 44 66-100
President: Dr. Christian Albring

In cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe e.V.


If you are a physician who has been involved with the iButton and would also like to be listed, please feel free to contact.


Dr. Christine Adler
Grubesallee 18
22143 Hamburg

Tel: 040- 677 33 22


Dr. Simone Koch

Marienfelder Allee 141 A, 12277 Berlin ,Phone: 030 / 499 60 514

In particular for the desire to have children: Mathias Pässler
Habsburgerstrasse 131
79104 Freiburg im Breisgau

Tel: 0761 – 250 59



Angela Weiss

Seegarten Klinik AG

Seestrasse 155, CH-8802 Kilchberg, Tel. +41 44 716 48 48


Ching-Ling Tan-Bleinroth

Garnisongasse 3, Top 21
1090 Wien
Tel. +43 1 9971732


If you are a physician who has been involved with the iButton and would also like to be listed, please feel free to contact us.